Days 16 and 17 and 18

Wednesday and Thursday

Yesterday was a blur. My cough was annoying, still tired. SO tired.

But I leaned a valuable lesson. Do NOT take prednisone before bed. I don’t care how tired you are… You won’t sleep. At all. All night

Then Nova decided that 5am was a good time to play. I was already (still) awake so i got up with her till Murphy got up. I laid down and took a nap.

I’m so tired.

No fever tonight. I’ll check again in the morning.

Nova had hives in her diaper. I’m not panicking just yet. I’m thinking it’s some irritation with her food. I’ll have to see.

For now, good night all.

I wrote the above last night in bed. I THOUGHT it posted, but clearly not. So I’ll tack today’s on today.


I woke up feeling completely normal. All I took before bed last night was a baby aspirin and some melatonin. I woke up a couple of times to pee, but otherwise I slept really good. Nova woke up, with painful diaper rash. So I changed her diaper, smothered her with some of the diaper cream and was able to sooth her back to sleep.

We got up at 7 this morning with plenty of energy. My head is clear, no fever, no headache… just a mild residual cough that’s not even bad enough to be annoying yet.

For the first time in over 2 weeks…

I feel like myself.

I won’t be jumping for joy or doing a bunch of crazy things. I don’t want to risk another relapse. It’s also cold and wet today and I don’t want to be out in it. So there’s that. Fingers crossed, maybe we ACTUALLY hit the end.

Day 15


I’m not sure it ever ends. I’m SO tired…. I am hard pressed to remember when the last time I was so exhausted. I wake up tired.

The fever won’t break. Today we ALL have one. Murphy is feeling a lot worse. We all just took a nap today.

My cough is becoming persistent and annoying. And when I just laid down for the nap, it was hard to breathe. I was short of breath enough that I couldn’t actually nap. It was distracting. Instead I laid there focusing on each breath. My oxygen is fine… it’s just the sensation. Which means my doctor is probably going to prescribe an inhaler or something.

Anyway… that’s the update for today. If anything progresses through the night, I’ll let you know tomorrow.

Days 13 and 14

Sunday and Monday

I can’t get this fever to go away. I can feel it in my head. More than anything it just makes me feel sleep and befuddled. I picked up a prescription my doctor recommended and I started it today. And today… I’ve felt worse!

Headache, upset tummy, really thirsty, and my cough has rebounded into something that’s becoming very annoying. I can’t get anything to come up. I guess I’m going to have to start in on the expectorant tonight as well.

The stress from everything has my eczema flared up, and it’s all over my freaking face. Across the bridge of my nose, on my eye lids, in my hair line… It itches and is just flaking off in big chunks. My back hurts too. I think that’s just how I’ve been sleeping though, who knows.

I’ve spent the day looking up dogs.

I want a dog. I’ve probably put in a dozen freaking applications at shelters with zip to show for it. Why? Because I want a puppy. Everyone wants a puppy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for adopting and helping older dogs or dogs with special needs… but I’m not in a position to do so. I need a dog that I can train from a young age to do the things I want to do. And so I can get the best quality time with it. And since I’m pretty much a stay at home mom at the moment…. the timing is ideal for puppy training.

But you can’t get puppies from shelters. It’s freaking impossible.

And dogs from breeders? Forget it. They breed for show and charge stupid prices and put restrictions on your dog for after you take them home so they can “protect the breed”. Fuck off.

My sister knows a person who raises Blue Heelers. Smart, hardy dogs, a good breed… They put me on their list. But honestly….? It’s not what I want. So I started looking for alternatives, for a way to get the dog I want without having to freaking mortgage the house that I don’t even own.

More than anything… I’ve just gotten myself all together annoyed and ready to flip a table. I think I need to take a break. I need some mindless media to soak up… but my eyes are so tired. I just don’t know if I can sleep yet. *shrugs*

Days 11 and 12

Friday and Saturday.

The dreaded relapse.

I ran some errands Thursday. I felt great – a little tired but that’s to be expected going out for the first time. I get home, put groceries away, laundry away. And about the time that I’m making dinner, I’m feeling super drained with the start of a headache. Murphy had felt heavy and drained all day. Well we pull out the thermometer to find out that we’re both running fevers.

We hadn’t had a fever the entire time, but ended up spiking one Thursday night.

Well I cancel my plans to go up to Johnson City. My dad ended up back in the hospital anyway because of what appeared to be internal bleeding because of the high amount of blood thinners they had him on.

Friday… we got tons of snow. We woke up, still feverish, achy and stiff. But Nova still felt great so she wanted to go play. We mustered up some energy and took her outside to play in the snow. It was a wet heavy snow and we built a janky looking snow man. I was breathless and exhausted by the time we came inside though.

So I laid on the couch for a while and watched movies. Nova galivanted through the house. I took a nap with her around 1.

We had that fever ALL day.

We woke up this morning and thankfully the fever broke. Back down to 98-99 degrees. So I guess we’ll see if the fever stays down. Otherwise I feel fine. Murphy has m ore energy. We got the house finally cleaned up this morning. We had spent the Monday before we got any bad symptoms cleaning from top to bottom, and I’m so happy we did. Because Nova made a mess of it this last couple of weeks.

And since I wrote that above paragraph… my own fever has gone back up. It’s almost like I’ve got a double ear infection without the pain that usually accompanies it.

Days 9 and 10

I know I didn’t post yesterday. Nothing really to report. Just generally felt better all around.

Today – even more so.

And technically by cdc guidelines, we’re allowed out of quarantine today. Which really just means I can go run some errands. Nova woke up early. Well – early-ish compared to the last couple of weeks. So all I really want to do is go back to bed. What I think I might do, is go do my grocery shopping and then come home and try to take a nap with her when I get back.

I haven’t been drinking a lot of coffee since I’ve been sick. Mainly because I can’t taste it. Well I made some nice strong coffee this morning and I can FEEL my heart racing. My pulse is at 105 resting. Time to go back to half caf I guess if I’m going to have any at all.

Other than that… we all seem to be feeling just fine. There’s only the tiniest remnant of congestion in my own head at this point. I can definitely feel though that anything I do tires me and makes me moderately short of breath. I’m going to have to start walking around the lake daily to build my endurance back up some. But that will have to wait until after this weekend.

See during the whole holidays… my dad was in the hospital. He finally got out the other day, but he needs some help. So I’m going to go up to Johnson City for a couple of days and prep a few meals for him. Make sure his fridge is stocked and the house is invalid proof. I don’t say that to be mean… I say it because he’s in bad shape. He SHOULDN’T be home by himself… but he refuses anything else. So I guess we’ll see.

Day 8


Today I was finally contacted by a contact tracer. Seems a little counter intuitive, especially in a region where the population is being uncooperative in their assistance. My town alone has horde of anti-maskers that keep raiding the city council meetings. The people are disregarding any and all stay at home orders when it comes to being sick. The numbers here are low, for 2 reasons.

  1. It is difficult to get a hold of a test if you don’t have insurance.
  2. Because no one is going to get tested in this area. At least – not the ones that are causing the spread.

Today is the first day that I’ve actually felt more like myself. The cough that started to come on yesterday feels like it’s already breaking up. And I have more energy. In fact I FINALLY got around to organizing my tupperware cabinet. Nova had destroyed it in her exploration days. Now that she’s gotten better about rummaging around in there, I felt it might be safe.

I can feel the stuff I’ve done today though. I’m starting to fatigue as the day wears on.

Still can’t taste. Or smell. Unless it’s STRONG flavors, and even then it’s minimal.

I’m just making some dinner at the moment so we can relax the rest of the evening. Take care everyone.

Day 7

Monday, equals garbage day.

I ventured out of the house today. Luckily I can dump my trash with zero contact if I pull into the correct stall. Discovered the lack of smell is so strong, that we can’t smell Nova’s poopy diapers. And she’s not the best at telling us when she’s gone. Or I’ve been so out of it that it’s kind of flown past my head. Like the evening she came over and literally sat on my face to tell me she pooped.

And I was oblivious.

I was feeling alright this morning when I got up. But after I got back, it seems that the excursion took more out of me than I expected. My cough got a lot worse and I’ve finally started in on the cough suppressant. My head was a lot more congested too. I ended up just laying on the couch like a lump all afternoon. Nova just used me as a jungle gym/drive by milkshake.

Murphy hasn’t coughed much at all. Hopefully it stays that way. He got hit hard with the muscle exhaustion today though. Fatigue all around… except for Nova, who is back to being hell on wheels. At least she likes taking naps.

Still no fevers. Oxygen is good for both of us (Nova is too small for the device to work on). My heart rate has been pretty high. It fluctuates from 80-110 any given time I run the test… and I’m sitting on the couch. Murphy’s has been much more normal, closer to 60-80 most times.

That’s all to report today I guess. Just getting caught up on Grey’s Anatomy. I’m working on an Instacart shopping order. It’s supposed to get cold tonight. Not quite cold enough that I need to worry about leaving a faucet running. But I did read that it’s supposed to get cold and snow again this week. Um… yay, I guess? I’m staying inside, I don’t know if I really care this time. *shrugs*

Day 5


We’re still just resting. We all seem to have a little more energy today. Got up at a relatively normal time of the late morning. Nova’s appetite appears to have returned, but I feel like mine has gotten worse.

Everything is definitely more stuffy in our heads. Congestion and sinus pressure keeps lingering, despite medication. I bought mucinex, but have needed the sinus meds I had on hand more. I haven’t had to really cough anything up. What little I had (and my snot) has all been clear.

I feel slightly disconnected, though I think that might just be the sudafed.

We spent a little bit of time outside since it’s nice. Hopefully the fresh air will do us all some good.

Other than that, no big updates today.

Hello random afternoon thunderstorm. Okay, this is FL, I shouldn’t be that surprised, but still, I am. Today has been one hell of a week. Kicked it off with a sick kid, doctor appointment for my mom meant she had to go to the hospital. Moving along to sick boyfriend and low and behold, sick ass me. Blegh. 

So I sit here, recuperating from a long day. I stuck it out today, I probably shouldn’t have because I feel like crap, but oh well. I’ve used so much sick time lately between my mom, son and self. 

It occurred to me that I have a world created where I can throw around as much lalafrufru magic that I want. We’re talking books here people, keep up. I have centuries of writing to be filled in for what happened on the other side of the veil after the fae from Avalon separated the worlds. Every fairy tale creature just waiting to have a new back story explained. Not so much new, as combining all of the myths. It’ll all come later, and definitely something to do on the side… but I won’t have to hold back. Different series, different set of magic rules. 

Of course it would be smart to finish editing one book before I start writing the next. I wouldn’t say I’ve started writing the next… so much as getting ideas out. I’m still floundering from lack of inspiration and I just don’t know why. Fatigue, stress, depression – who knows. I just wish I could pull myself out of this slump.

I’d say let’s keep going, but I think I’m going to go lay down while I listen to the storm. Maybe a bit more sleep. Once I’m no longer sick and coughing, I’ll try working again.