You’re Wonderful

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these. I swear I’m not sitting here grumbling about being tired and then pushing off actually doing work. But because I’m tired, I don’t necessarily trust the words that spring from my finger tips. And if I keep putting this off and putting it off, then I’ll never get around to actually posting it.

So here is a thank you to all of the wonderful loyal followers and all of the new people that have stumbled across my blog. I truly see my inspiration dwindle when things go quiet on the WordPress front. You continued support means a lot to me.

Valerie Francis

Live Life Love Bacon


Maris Lyon

Edge of he wilderness

CRJ Pritchard

The Public Blogger

Daniel Gonzalez

Kristen Mazzola


Linda Petersen

Subsistences Suburb

My Food and Flowers

Dwayne Coleman

Jack Flacco

5 thoughts on “You’re Wonderful

  1. Marisa says:

    I could not agree more. A huge thank you as well, my thoughts alone would not be as fun if I couldn’t share them with the wordpress community. So glad to have made your list 😉


  2. Alex says:

    Thank you.

    I never thought that The Daily Post is gonna be so interesting, looking forward to working with it more.


  3. Thanks so much for including me! I enjoy reading your blog!


  4. Hey Thanks for the trackback. I wish I can inspire more people through my work. I have not made a post in over a month. I made a mistake and decided to try some type of audio blog. Well that didn’t quite pan out. Best of luck to you


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